Grouping of a member of 13. Panzer-Division
Cost of delivery: €17

Extremely rare grouping which belonged to a member of Kradschützen-Bataillon 43, who got wounded and went missing in the Gizel cauldron, just outside Vladikavkaz, the farthest point the German army reached during the Caucasus campaign. The 13. Panzer-Division got encircled in Gizel in November 1942, and the break-out followed on the night of 11/12 November. A lot of vehicles got lost during this breakthrough: 18 tanks and 496 trucks.

Gefreiter Hans Badziong was with the 2./Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 13, when this unit was reorganized in April 1942 and became the 2./Kradschützen-Bataillon 43. Both units were part of the 13. Panzer-Division. He was awarded the Eastern Front medal on 3 August 1942, and the award document was (retrospectively) signed by the commander of this unit. Gefreiter Badziong survived the heavy battles near the Terek river, and got wounded for the first time on 30 October 1942 near Alagir. He apparently stayed with his unit, because on 8 November 1942, he was wounded a second time.

There is a small letter with information about what happened: “Der Gefr. Badziong wurde am 8.11.1942 verwundet und beim H.V.Platz der 13. Pz.Div. Eingeliefert. Wie der Feldeinheit später bekannt wurde, sind einige Verwundetentransporte, die vom H.V.Platz nach hinten gingen, vom Russen abgefangen worden. Ob sich der Gefr. Badziong bei einem dieser Transporte befand, ist der Feldeinheit nicht bekannt.

It says he got wounded, was brought to a main field dressing station (in Gizel), and from there evacuated away. He was never seen again. Several ambulances were captured by the Russians. The war diary of the 13. Panzer-Division mentions 21 soldiers killed, 165 wounded, and 16 MIA on 8 November 1942. Gefreiter Badziong was one of them.

It is very rare that this award document for the Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz was signed in the field by his battalion commander, Major Albert Brux, who was bearer of the Knight's Cross.

This was directly after the break-out from Gizel (with help of the SS-Divion “Wiking”). It is fascinating to realize these documents and awards have actually been there, and it makes it a truly unique grouping.

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