NSKK photos of Belgium and Ukraine
Cost of delivery: €12

A very nice grouping of seven photos from a German NSKK member, who was stationed in Diest in Belgium and then in Ukraine.

One photo shows what looks like to be a pre-war group photo of early NSKK members. It measures 9 x 12 cm.

Another picture was taken on 10 August 1942 in Brussels, showing several NSKK officers, among them a NSKK-Oberstaffelführer Bickel. This photo measures 7 x 10.5 cm.

Then two photos were taken in Diest, also in Belgium, were Dutch volunteers were trained. One photo shows a Dutch volunteer, and his name and address is written on the backside. The last three photos were taken in Lemberg and Vinytsia in Ukraine in 1943, with a superb picture of camouflaged vehicles.

All other photos measure 6 x 9 cm, and most of them have descriptions on the backside.

Really nice and rare Dutch volunteer related grouping.

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