Stamp – Firing Point Diagram from Stalingrad
Cost of delivery: €8

A remarkable Soviet metal stamp, used for imprinting construction diagrams of a firing point, discovered in Stalingrad, one of the most pivotal battlefields of WW2 Soviet artifacts. This rare piece, likely used for official documentation or military planning, provides a direct link to the urban warfare of the Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943).

The Battle of Stalingrad was one of the most intense and decisive confrontations of the war, where Soviet forces halted the German advance in a ferocious struggle for every street and building. Defensive positions such as firing points were crucial in the Soviet strategy, allowing Red Army troops to resist Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS assaults in heavily fortified zones.

A tangible piece of wartime history from the ruins of Stalingrad, where the tide of war was turned against Nazi Germany.

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